Artist Seminar: Jeanne Marklin

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Lenox Library is pleased to partner with the Guild of Berkshire Artists to bring you a virtual artist seminar.  Join us on Tuesday, December 14, 2021 at 3:00 p.m. when fiber artist Jeanne Marklin discusses her work.

This event will take place via Zoom.  Please click HERE for the meeting link.  
Meeting ID: 813 3780 8927
Password: 686669

About Jeanne Marklin: After graduating from U.C.S.D. with a degree in Visual Communications, Jeanne Marklin worked as a freelance photojournalist in Washington, DC.  After she became a parent, the work schedule was too difficult for family life.  She attended graduate school and received an MSW. She practiced psychotherapy with children in foster care for 10 years, while learning the techniques of quilting as an avocation.  Having never been “a sewer,” there was a lot to learn.

Through workshops with master quilt artists Nancy Crow, Jan Myers Newbury, Ricky Tims, Sue Benner and others, Jeanne found her own way of working.  Learning to dye fabric using the Shibori method was a revelation that became a passion.  Now, she dyes fabric with a composition already in mind, or to explore a “what if” about color, shape or line, and then let it speak to her as she creates original compositions.

Jeanne uses many different methods, but finds the Japanese Shibori techniques the most challenging and rewarding. Jan Myers Newbury has been an important influence.

Artist Statement: Making art quilts is how I deal with the travails of life, the personal aspects as well as world events. It reflects my feelings as a woman in a society that does not always validate women and their work. It assuages my anger about injustices in society that cause pain to others. It reflects my concern about the environment being destroyed. It is self therapy.

I work in fiber because it feels restorative. It can be dyed, painted, cutup and stitched together again and that feels symbolic of our journey through life. The process is what drives my work.

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