Books available through Internet Archive

By clicking on the title, you’ll be able to flip the pages virtually.


Wish to compare with the present? Use the Town of Lenox GIS Map for current parcels.

Historical Newspapers:

Lenox cemetery burial listings:

These listings were largely due to the efforts of Paul Pelkey, former foreman of the Lenox Cemetery Division of the Department of Public Works.

Other resources:

State Library of Massachusetts: this repository includes documents published by the Massachusetts Legislature and other state agencies, as well as town reports and historical non-governmental materials.

Massachusetts Archives Digital Repository: the Archives’ Digital Repository provides access to permanent digital records of Massachusetts state government.

The Massachusetts Cultural Resource Information System (MACRIS) allows you to search the Massachusetts Historical Commission database for information on historic properties and areas in the Commonwealth. There are 457 entries for Lenox.

Berkshire Middle District Registry of Deeds

Over 2,000 images are available here courtesy of the Lenox Library Association and the Lenox Historical Society.

Come to the Lenox Library (no home access) for:

Ancestry Library Edition
American Ancestors
[Instructions for American Ancestors guest account to search Berkshire Probate Records 1761-1917]

These resources were compiled by Local History Librarian Amy Lafave. You can reach her at for further assistance.