Lenox Library (a member of the C/W MARS network) issues borrowing cards free of charge to any resident of Massachusetts with identification showing a current address. Any out of state residents staying locally for a minimum of 30 days also may present identification and proof of their local residence and register without a fee. Lenox Library cards can be used at all other C/W MARS member libraries.

All records concerning information about a patron on their use of the library resources and materials are confidential and will be treated as such in accordance with state and federal law.

Yes. Click here to register for a Lenox Library card (make sure to select Lenox Library from the drop down menu at the top of the page). If you are only interested in accessing electronic content, you may register for a CW MARS eCard instead.

You may renew your card in person; by emailing info@lenoxlib.org; or calling 413-637-0197.

Videos, DVDs, and Magazines = 7 days with 1 renewal for 7 days.
All other materials* = 21 days with 1 renewal for 21 days.
No renewals are possible if the patron has fines in excess of $10.00 or a bill for an item.

*Museum passes may not be renewed.

Patrons can access their record from home from the C/W MARS online catalog. Your borrowing card number will be required and you will need to create your own private pin number for security. You may look at what you have out, on hold, any fines or bills and may renew items. You may also access the online catalogs of over 150 member libraries and put holds on items you want to have delivered to Lenox.

See Online e-books and Media. If you do not have a library card, see our CW MARS eCard page.

As long as no one has a hold on a item, and the borrower does not have any bills, or, fines over $10.00 they may renew an item once. Borrowers may renew an item in person, by phone, or through the C/W MARS online catalog. Videos, DVDs and Magazines = 1 renewal for 7 days. Everything else = 1 renewal for 21 days.

Almost every library in the C/W MARS network will accept your card.

If an item is not available or is not owned by the Lenox Library, a hold may be placed on the item through our regional network (C/W MARS) with over 150 other member libraries. This can be done by staff members at any Circulation desk or from the C/W MARS online catalog at the library or at home.

If an item is not available through Holds, an Interlibrary Loan (ILL) request can be made on the patron’s behalf. The patron must be a library member in good standing and a completed ILL form must be submitted to staff at the Reference desk during library hours.

A patron cannot have fines in excess of $10.00 and cannot have any billed items. The borrowing card must be renewed annually.

Zero! As of September 1, 2021, we established a “fines free” policy for borrowing our materials.

Borrowed items are changed to “lost” status when they are reported lost by the patron.They achieve “billed” status when they become 24 days overdue. When items are declared lost or are billed, the patron owes the replacement cost plus a per item processing fee and a per item billing charge.

A registered borrower who pays the replacement cost for library material lost while in his/her care will have ninety (90) calendar days in which to locate and return the item(s) to the Library in good, usable condition. Within this time period, the borrower will receive a refund of replacement cost(s) paid, less the billing & processing fees.

Borrowers are responsible for the repair costs for items which were damaged when checked out to them. Material sufficiently damaged as to be unusable will result in the imposition of replacement costs plus a per item processing fee and a per item billing fee.

At the discretion of authorized Library staff, the donation of a new copy of a lost or damaged item or a reasonable replacement for an out-of-print item (as determined by the Library staff) may be accepted in lieu of payment of replacement charges. The final decision will take into consideration the condition and suitability of the replacement item. Donations or replacements obtained by the patron must be received within four (4) weeks of approval of the Library to the replacement.

Processing and billing fees will be charged regardless of how an item is replaced.

Replacement costs for all types of library materials are determined by consulting authoritative sources in the areas of publishing and library science. The costs are reviewed on a regular basis to maintain currency and accuracy.

Minimum replacement charges for lost or damaged library materials are as follows:

Adult Fiction (hardcover) – $28.00
Adult Fiction (quality paperback) – $19.00
Adult Fiction (mass market paperback) – $8.00
Adult Non-fiction (hardcover) – $35.00
Adult Non-fiction (quality paperback) – $28.00
Adult Non-fiction (mass market paperback) – $8.00
Adult Reference Works – per item
Music Non-fiction (hardcover) – $35.00
Music Non-fiction (quality paperback) – $28.00
Music Non-fiction (mass market paperback) – $8.00
Youth Fiction (hardcover) – $21.00
Youth Fiction (quality paperback) – $19.00
Youth Fiction (mass market paperback) – $8.00
Youth Non-fiction (hardcover) – $21.00
Youth Non-fiction (quality paperback) – $19.00
Youth Non-fiction (mass market paperback) – $8.00
Youth Reference Works – per item

Audio Book-CD: abridged – $10.00/CD
Audio Book-CD: abridged case – $8.00
Audio Book-CD: unabridged – $12.00/CD
Audio Book-CD: unabridged case – $10.00
Audio Book-cassette: abridged – $10.00/cassette
Audio Book-cassette: abridged case – $8.00
Audio Book-cassette: unabridged – $12.00/cassette
Audio Book-cassette: unabridged case – $10.00
DVD: fiction – $25.00
DVD:nonfiction – $40.00
Video Cassette: fiction – $25.00
Video Cassette: nonfiction – $40.00
Music CD – $20.00/CD
Music Cassette – $10.00/cassette
Music LP – $10.00

Ukuleles – $225.00
Sheet Music – $30.00
Libretto – $12.00
Scores – per item
Periodicals – per item
Adult Educational Pamphlets – $10.00

All patrons are expected to bring their library cards with them if they intend to check out items. If no card is presented, a photo ID may be requested by library staff before lending materials. If there is a system or electrical problem, no materials can be charged out without a valid borrowing card being presented. If a patron loses his/her card, the library staff should be notified as soon as possible and a request made for a replacement. A Fee of $1.00 is charged for a replacement card.

Patrons are responsible for all items borrowed on their cards, including any fines charged for overdue materials and replacement costs for items lost or damaged. Therefore, the lending of cards to family or friends is discouraged.

A copier is available in the New Materials Area on the main floor. Cost is $0.15 per page.

Yes, so long as you are making a quick trip into the library to pick up materials at the Main Circulation Desk. However, pets will not be permitted into the library past the Main Circulation Desk area. Animals must also be on leash. We do this to ensure the safety and comfort of all who use the library. [We reserve the right to permit animals featured in special library events.]

Service animals do not fall under the above restriction. The Massachusetts Service Animal Law limits the definition of service animal to a dog that accompanies an individual with a sensory and or physical disability. Federal law allows for a broader definition of service animals under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The ADA defines service animals as “dogs that are individually trained to do work or perform tasks for people with disabilities.”  Both laws obligate state and local governments and any places that are open to the public to permit service animals to accompany people with disabilities anywhere members of the public are allowed to go.

Learn more about service and assistance animals here

Patrons may not enter the library with open containers of either food or drink [Closed containers of drink are fine, if handled with care]. We also ask that patrons keep cell phone conversations to a bare minimum while in the building, and that all patrons wear shoes while on library property. These measures are for the protection of the materials as well as every patron who comes to enjoy the library.