JeanKilbourne-PREFERREDMay 12 at 7:00 p.m. The Lenox Library will host a screening of Killing Us Softly 4 followed by a question and answer period with creator, Jean Kilbourne. This event is a fundraiser. Reservations are $20 in advance and $25 at the door. Reservations can be made by calling 413-637-2630.

This fast-paced and entertaining film, known around the world, deals with a serious topic — gender representation in advertising. According to the film critic for The Boston Globe, “With skill, humor and acuteness, Kilbourne encourages action against these society-weakening images.”

The film’s creator, Jean Kilbourne, is the author of the award-winning books Can’t Buy My Love: How Advertising Changes the Way We Think and Feel and So Sexy So Soon: The New Sexual-ized Childhood and What Parents Can Do to Protect Their Kids. The prize-winning films based on her lectures in-clude Killing Us Softly, Spin the Bottle, and Slim Hopes. She holds an honorary position as Senior Scholar at the Wellesley Centers for Women.

Discussion will follow the 45-minute film.

This event is a fundraiser for The Lenox Library’s staff and services in memory of Helen Perry.