image: Sharon explains ScrabbleRouserThe Lenox Library Association’s first-annual ScrabbleRouser tournament was a success, with 20 players representing Kripalu, The Berkshire Eagle, and several local families. This fun event was packed with 3 rounds of Scrabble, a game of Word Mine, prizes and refreshments.

The Winners’ Circle:

Team Kripalu won the 3 rounds of Scrabble with a cumulative score of 688 points. A plaque with the team name will be displayed for a year at Kripalu.  Some of their favorite words were “qat,” “doggie,” and “suede.” Kripalu also captured the “best library word” prize for having played the word “youth.”

The winner of the Word Mine game was Phil Webster of Team Kripalu, who found 52 words of 3 letters or more in the word “literacy.”

The Grand Prize, a custom SCRABBLE ® board, went to the team with the most funds raised: The Bulldozers (the Nash and Haver families).

This event raised over $700 for the library. All proceeds from this event will benefit the services and programs offered to the public by the Lenox Library Association.

Players from the ScrabbleRouser Tournament asked if they could meet once a month to continue to enjoy playing SCRABBLE ®, and to train for next year. With that in mind, a Scrabble Night is set for the first Tuesday of each month, beginning Tuesday October 5, 6:00 – 9:00pm in the Reading Room. Call Sharon Hawkes at the library, (413) 637-2630, for details.

Thanks to our volunteers: Library Board President Becky Sorrentino and her son JT, Cheryl Lennon, JoAnn Spaulding, and Jenny Rae.

This event was made possible through the generosity of our co-sponsor Time Warner Cable, with additional sponsorship from Toole Insurance, The Berkshire Eagle, and Let’s Play a Game.