1988.1Helen Perry passed away peacefully on Thursday, July 9, at the age of 94.  Helen was President of the Lenox Library Association Board of Managers from 1988-1992, and was instrumental in overseeing the Library’s capital campaign.  During that time, she was known for her fundraising slogan, “Love alone is not enough.”  She was also active in the Lenox Garden Club and many other organizations, and entertained musicians and artists from all over the world as the wife of the former manager of the Boston Symphony, Thomas D. Perry, Jr.

The family is asking that donations, in lieu of flowers, be sent in Helen’s memory to the Lenox Library Association in care of Roche Funeral Home, 120 Main Street, Lenox, MA 01240. Details on services will be announced at a later date.

There is a tribute from her granddaughter, Betsy Rodman, online at http://betsyrodman.wordpress.com/2010/07/09/rest-in-peace/ and the obituary in The Berkshire Eagle can be found at http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/berkshire/obituary.aspx?n=helen-perry&pid=143992470


Picture taken between 1988 and 1992. From left to right: Denis J. Lesieur (Executive Director), Helen Perry (Library Board President), Stanley Ryba (Board Treasurer)