OldPhotoLLAWe need your help!

On Tuesday, April 27, at 5:30 p.m., the Board of Managers invites the public to come discuss the Town’s proposed cut to library funding, what it will mean to the community, and what we can all do to prevent it.

The Board of Selectmen has recommended a cut to next year’s library budget of $36,452, a 15.4% cut down to $200,000. Such a deep cut would threaten our certification with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and take away many of our core services to the Town of Lenox, such as the ability to borrow from other libraries, receive state funds, apply for state grants, and receive discounts on library materials and supplies. Patrons would not be allowed to use their cards at other libraries, which are not required to work with non-certified libraries. Circulation at Lenox Library would drop by over 20,000 items per year, further cutting into revenues due to fines and fees. The combined potential revenue loss is over $50,000 in actual dollars, along with the borrowing loss of some $216,000 worth of materials.

Please attend and bring your questions and concerns.

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