davidandereggOn Sunday, April 25th at 4:00 pm at the Lenox Library, psychologist and author David Anderegg will discuss “The Mental Health Meltdown and the Future of Psychotherapy” in the last of the 2009-2010 season Distinguished Lecture Series.

David Anderegg is a psychologist on the faculty of Bennington College, where he teaches courses in abnormal and developmental psychology and the psychology of creativity. He has also served on the faculties of Tufts University, Harvard Medical School, and the Smith College School of Social Work, and he has recently begun teaching in the psychiatry residency program at Berkshire Medical Center. His scholarly publications include work on contemporary psychotherapeutic practice and the psychology of play and creativity. He serves on the editorial board of Psychoanalytic Psychology. He maintains a private practice and is the author of two general-readership books, Worried All the Time: Overparenting in an Age of Anxiety and How to Stop It(Free Press, 2003) and Nerds: Who They Are and Why We Need More of Them(Tarcher/Penguin, 2007).

Admission to this lecture is FREE and open to all; reservations are not required. Lectures are held in the Sedgwick Reading Room of the Lenox Library at 18 Main Street, Lenox, MA.

The Distinguished Lecture Series is organized and hosted by
Prof. Jeremy Yudkin of Lenox.

All programs in the Distinguished Lecture Series are FREE and open to the public thanks to the generous sponsorship of:
Mary Nash Consulting
The Barefoot Gardener Company, LLC

For further information, contact:
Jenny Rae at 413-637-2630 or jrae@lenoxlib.org


Come early and join us at a welcoming reception for our new Executive Director, Sharon Hawkes!

GEDC0042Meet the New Director

Sunday, April 25th at 2pm
Refreshments will be served

For more information, view the blog entry about the reception by clicking here, or contact Jenny Rae at 413-637-2630 or jrae@lenoxlib.org