Dear Parent or Caregiver,

The Lenox Library Association Youth Department is kicking off its 2010 summer reading program the week of June 29th in order to promote literacy and create lifelong readers. Our intent is to encourage summer reading through fun, educational programming and reading incentives. Exciting summer family events are updated on our Summer Reading Program page at www.lenoxlib.org. Don’t miss New England libraries’ #1 favorite funny man, Alex the Jester, who will perform on Thursday, July 1st at 11:00 a.m. This authentic medievil fool’s humorous sight gags, pranks, stunts and music never fail to captivate young and old.

Summer reading participants can complete the program by reading an average of 20 minutes each day. Children who are not yet reading on their own may participate through family reading. Any child may independently begin logging reading hours on June 22nd. These hours will be added to the reading record retroactively on or after June 29th. Participants earn a raffle ticket for every hour of reading. Our participants can also earn raffle tickets by completing Go green eco-challenges in their home and community! The raffle drawing will be held at our annual ice cream social on Tuesday, August 17th at 2:00 p.m., following Terry a la Berry’s performance. All attending participants will receive a prize.

The best prize of all is the one that participants who complete the reading program will give to the planet. For each reading certificate awarded, a tree will be planted by the Nature Conservancy to aid in the reforestation of the world’s largest rain forest. You can view the Nature Conservancy’s Plant a Billion Trees program at its educational website: www.nature.org. Summer readers’ contributions are sponsored by an anonymous donor.

From June 29th through August 21st, Go green participants can hop in any time from 11:00 to 5:00 on Tuesdays through Saturdays to hunt for our mascot (ribbit, ribbit!), solve clues in our critter challenge, and enjoy eco-crafts & activity sheets. Tweens & teens can make cool bottle cap bracelets and cereal box journals. Age appropriate summer reading lists will be available at the youth desk and on our website throughout the summer.

We look forward to helping children maintain and strengthen the reading skills they’ve worked so hard to acquire, while having fun Going Green this summer at the Lenox Library.

See you this summer!

Debby Cuthbert, dcuthbert@lenoxlib.org

Lenox Library Association Youth Librarian

“Gogreen at your library” is sponsored by your Lenox Library Association, the Massachusetts Regional Library Systems, the Boston Bruins, and the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners.