
Watch “Stay at Home & Read a Book Ball”

The Lenox Library Association hosted a "non-event" Book Ball benefit inviting guests to stay at home and read instead of going out on a cold night. The evening opened with a welcome video where [...]

2023-04-25T13:10:41-04:00March 29th, 2023|Categories: At the Library, Blog, Development Updates, Events|

Honoring World Mental Health Day

Dear Friends of Lenox Library, As we are all aware, the COVID-19 pandemic took a toll on our collective mental health.  The isolation, stress, and indeed trauma of this time period will have lasting impacts.  [...]

2022-09-28T08:35:07-04:00September 28th, 2022|Categories: At the Library, Blog, Events, From the Director's Desk|
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