Summer’s End Readers Party

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For invitees only! This special event is only open to children who have participated in the Lenox Library summer reading program by turning in at least one tracking sheet. Tracker sheets must be turned in by the end of the day on Friday, August 25, 2023 in order to receive an invitation.

Time: 3:00 p.m.

Location: Roche Reading Park next to the Library

**Rain date is Saturday, September 2, 2023**

Pizza, snacks, games and activities!

If the kids of Lenox can collectively turn in a total of 100 tracker sheets, we will have a super soaker celebration! (Safety zone will exist if you don’t want to get wet.) Leave your own super soakers at home; we will provide them all! There will be super soaker games of skill like: Beach Ball Race, Knock the Cups, Cup String Race, and Frozen Treasure. There will be a “Soak the Grownups” segment. Participants of the Kindergarten Challenge will be given 60 second to get Librarians Jenney and Ailsa as drenched as they can. Then all the kids will be given 60 seconds to drench the Library Director, Town Manager and a Town Selectboard Member! Safety goggles will be provided, but you can also bring your own. But please, leave your own super soakers at home; we will provide them all!

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