Join us for a special International Women’s Day celebration and reading hosted by The Bookstore & Get Lit Wine Bar and The Lenox Library with WRITING FIRE editors Jennifer Browdy, Jana Laiz, and Sahra Bateson Brubeck featuring contributors to WRITING FIRE: An Anthology Celebrating the Power of Women’s
Readers sharing 5-minute excerpts from their writing include Jayne Benjulian, Jennifer
Browdy, Amber Chand, Anni Crofut, Lisken Van Pelt Dus, Hope Fitzgerald, Maggie Dillon
Katz, Lorrin Krouss, Jana Laiz, Lydia Littlefield, Barbara Newman, and Lara Tupper.
Refreshments and book sales and signing will follow the reading. The event is free and open to
the public.
Writing Fire celebrates the power of women’s words with a wide-ranging exploration of the
voices and visions of women of all ages, from many walks of life. Including fiction, poetry,
personal narrative, essays and humor, Writing Fire offers an intimate window into the strengths,
passions and perspectives of more than 75 inspiring and unforgettable women writers.

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