Lenox Library patrons have access to various sources for eBooks, digital audiobooks, and other digital media that can be used on a spectrum of personal devices.

Some sources require a Lenox Library card, while others are available by applying for a Boston Public Library e-card.

eBooks, eAudiobooks, and more

OverDrive and the Libby app

The C/W MARS Overdrive Collection gives users access to e-books, audiobooks, and magazines. Browse the collection, borrow with your library card, and enjoy on your computer, tablet, smartphone or eReader!

Many borrowed eBooks, audiobooks and more can be enjoyed immediately in your web browser or can be downloaded to the free Libby app for mobile devices. Digital titles can also be enjoyed on tablets and eReader devices such as the iPad®, NOOK®, and Kindle® [U.S. Libraries only].

Use the OverDrive FAQ for questions on how to access your material, including instructions on what to do if you get stuck in a sign-in loop.

LEA (Library eBooks and Audiobooks powered by Overdrive)

Looking for more content? LEA allows you to browse and borrow eContent from collections at all Library Networks in Massachusetts (regardless of where your home library is) through the OverDrive Reciprocal Lending Arrangement (RLA). You may search other network collections and place holds just as you do on eContent in the C/W MARS OverDrive Collection.

Links to Shared OverDrive Collections:

Provided by the C/W MARS library network

Never wait to check out an audiobook again! Your Lenox Library card ensures you’re always first in line. Choose from over 6,000 titles in every genre imaginable.

Getting set up is quick and easy. Visit BlackstoneUnlimited.com, use your Lenox Library card to sign up, and listen to audiobooks anytime.

Ways to Listen: You have two options for you to enjoy your favorite audiobooks: either download the app from the Apple or Google Play stores, or you can use the online player.

These resources are provided by the Boston Public Library. Individuals who live in, own property in, or commute to work in Massachusetts may register for an eCard, which provides access to all online resources, including Kanopy and Hoopla.

See the overview of electronic collections here

bpl ecard logo

Niche Academy has tutorials on how to use many of BPL’s digital resources

You don’t need any card at all for the following:

Internet Archive is a non-profit library of millions of free books, movies, software, music, websites, and more. [Includes local history material from the Lenox Library and the Lenox Historical Society]

Open Library
One web page for every book ever published. The World’s classic literature at your fingertips. Over 1,000,000 free ebook titles available. Open Library account holders can borrow an eBook from the growing collection of mainly 20th Century titles available now. Each title can be borrowed by one patron at once, and you can read it in a web browser or in Adobe Digital Editions as a PDF or ePub.

Project Gutenberg offers over 53,000 free ebooks: choose among free epub books, free kindle books, download them or read them online. As the first electronic book resource, Project Gutenberg was started by Michael Hart in 1971 with the digitization of the United States Declaration of Independence.

Streaming Video Access

The following resources are only available to Lenox Library cardholders.

Enjoy critically-acclaimed movies, inspiring documentaries, award-winning foreign films, Kanopy Kids, and more through the Lenox Library’s subscription to Kanopy!

This ad-free experience can be enjoyed on your TV, mobile phone, tablet, and online.

To get started:
  • Visit https://lenoxlib.kanopy.com and select the “Add Library Card“ button on the lower left
  • Type your Lenox Library card number and your password/pin
  • Create an account using your preferred email
  • Begin streaming!
Each Lenox Library Kanopy user will receive 30 tickets per month. Tickets represent the dollar amount that it costs the library to offer the title – for example, $2 = 2 tickets and $4 = 4 tickets. Every title will be labeled with a ticket value and viewing window, so Kanopy users will know how many tickets a title will use and how long they will have access to it before viewing it. This will help Kanopy users determine how to use their tickets and ensure that they will have enough time to enjoy a title before pressing play. Tickets will reset back to 30 on the 1st day of each month.
*Kanopy Kids content is unlimited and is not included in the ticket system.


IndieFlix is a streaming movie service that offers access to pop culture favorites, box office hits, award-winning feature films, documentaries, and shorts.

Find it in the Libby app.

Download the free app, add your Lenox Library card, and look for “Extras” to get started!

*Step-by-step Libby details below*

https://www.overdrive.com/apps/libby/Qello Concerts by Stingray is the only place to watch over 1,500 of the most amazing live moments in music. It’s the world’s largest collection of full-length concerts and music documentaries streamed on-demand to just about any digital device. It’s like a never-ending concert ticket. Qello spans over 30 genres, from classical to rock, reggae to country. Enjoy music from the 1920s to today’s hottest artists, including Lady Gaga, Beyoncé, Bruce Springsteen, and Aerosmith.

Find it in the Libby app.

Download the free app, add your Lenox Library card, and look for “Extras” to get started!

*Step-by-step Libby details below*

https://www.overdrive.com/apps/libby/The Great Courses Library Collection offers in-depth videos with engaging and understandable lectures by esteemed professors, professionals, and experts. The topics range from history, better living, science, language learning, health & wellness, professional development, travel, photography, cooking, and much more.

Find it in the Libby app.

Download the free app, add your Lenox Library card, and look for “Extras” to get started!

*Step-by-step Libby details below*

Follow these steps to access Indieflix, Qello Concerts, and The Great Courses with the Libby app:

  • Install the Libby app from the app store on your Android or iOS (iPhone/iPad/iPod touch) device. Or visit libbyapp.com in your Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or Edge browser.
  • In Libby, follow the prompts to find your library and sign in with a valid library card and PIN.
  • Tap the Extras section on your library’s home screen.
  • Select a provider, then tap Open. You’ll be taken out of Libby to learn more about the provider.
  • Select Get a 7-Day Pass or Get Access and follow the prompts to open the provider’s site, where you can start using their service.
  • You can return to the provider’s site during your access period from your Libby Shelf.
  • Once a service is borrowed the patron has unlimited access to that resource for seven days.