
Amelia Montague Watson: documenting plantation history with her art

Amelia Montague Watson [1856 - 1934] was a watercolorist and photographer from East Winsor Hill, CT. Her best known work was in illustrating a deluxe edition of Henry David Thoreau's travelogue of Cape Cod. [...]

2023-03-10T10:57:52-05:00March 8th, 2023|Categories: Blog, Local History Dept.|Tags: , , |

Rowan 30th Anniversary Exhibition in the Welles Gallery November 6th – 28th, 2009

COLORFUL STITCHES SPONSORS WORLD TRAVELING FASHION EXHIBITION Rowan 30th Anniversary Exhibition to appear at Welles Gallery in Lenox, November 6-28 Lenox, MA, October 28, 2009…Colorful Stitches, Lenox, MA retailer of fine designer knitting yarns, announces [...]

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