The Lenox Library Association (LLA) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to raising funds to add to the library’s collections, provide current first-rate technology resources, and underwrite innovative programs and services.
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EVERY GIFT COUNTS! Your contribution helps guarantee that everyone in the community can continue to enjoy the Lenox Library.

- Mail a check or credit card number in the enclosed remittance envelope
- Donate online via PayPal at https://lenoxlib.org/support/giving-opportunities/
- Scan this QR code to donate
- Create a legacy gift in your Will or estate plan
- Give a stock gift or a distribution from your IRA
- Remember others with honor and memorial gifts
- Apply for employee matching funds
- Sponsor a program or wish list item(s)
The Lenox Library Association is grateful for the friends who have remembered us in their Will, and thus have left a lasting legacy for future generations. We hope that you, too, will consider us in your planned giving.
We are deeply grateful to Hans Fehlmann (d.), and Michael and Nancy Vale (d.) for remembering the Lenox Library Association in their final estate plans.
“The America I love still exists at the front desks of our public libraries.” Kurt Vonnegut
What motivated a local family to sponsor the designation of the “Mr. and Mrs. Matthew D.M. Keator Family Special Collections Vault?”
Matthew and Hannah are both multi-generational Lenox residents and long-time supporters of the Library. Matthew recently served as a Lenox Library Association board member; Hannah’s mother Mary Jo Piretti Miller was a former Board President, and her aunt Betsy Holtzinger Herrick was a former board member.
When asked about the gift Matthew and Hannah had this to say: “We’re both very proud and grateful to have been born and raised in Lenox. The people and the history of this town mean a great deal to us and our families. Hopefully this gift helps support the Library and its mission to continue to enrich the community as well as preserve and promote Lenox’s historic legacy.”