Readers Group

18 Main Street, Lenox, MA, United States

A group for kids who love to read! This is a low-key group where students in grades 5-8 share what book they are reading at that time, how it is and if they would recommend [...]

Graphic Novel Club

18 Main Street, Lenox, MA, United States

Do you love graphic novels? Join our book club! We’ll play graphic novel games, do some drawing, learn about new releases, and discuss a different book each month. We'll also have a themed snack that [...]

Crafting Calm – for grades 6-12

18 Main Street, Lenox, MA, United States

Join us for mindful art projects and activities. Plus snacks! This month we will be discussing gratitude and decorating small gratitude journals with washi tape. No registration necessary; come join us!

Readers Group

18 Main Street, Lenox, MA, United States

A group for kids who love to read! This is a low-key group where students in grades 5-8 share what book they are reading at that time, how it is and if they would recommend [...]

New England Birds of Prey

Lenox Town Hall 6 Walker Street, Lenox, MA, United States

The folks from Wingmasters are back to discuss all things raptor! The presentation incorporates visits with six live birds of prey - hawks, falcons and owls. Come learn about these magnificent creatures! This program is [...]

Gaia Roots – Drumming Performance

18 Main Street, Lenox, MA, United States

Gaia Roots presents a unique live, educational and inspirational performance that blends traditional, folkloric drumming and singing with original creations and arrangements. This interactive concert features soaring vocal harmonies in multiple languages, intricate percussion and [...]

Readers’ Ice Cream Party

18 Main Street, Lenox, MA, United States

We will celebrate a summer of reading by eating ice cream (of course!), doing some pet-themed crafts and presenting a check to the Berkshire Humane Society. All children who have participated in the Summer Reading [...]

Crafting with Recycled Materials

18 Main Street, Lenox, MA, United States

This week we will be making Tissue Paper Jar Luminairs using old jars, tissue paper and Mod Podge. This project is best for children ages 5 and older. No registration necessary. This craft idea came [...]

Crafting with Recycled Materials

18 Main Street, Lenox, MA, United States

This week we will be making adorable Torn-Paper Cacti using recycled cardboard. This craft is best for children ages 4 and older. No registration necessary. This craft idea came from the book Fun and Easy Crafting [...]

Readers Group

18 Main Street, Lenox, MA, United States

A group for kids who love to read! This is a low-key group where students in Grades 5 and up share what book they are reading at that time, how it is and if they [...]

Cookie Decorating for Kids and Teens!

18 Main Street, Lenox, MA, United States

Bring your imagination; we'll provide the cookies, frosting and special decorations. Come join in the fun! Drop-in between 2-4 pm.

Readers Group

18 Main Street, Lenox, MA, United States

A group for kids who love to read! This is a low-key group where students in Grades 5 and up share what book they are reading at that time, how it is and if they [...]

The Gilded Ones Series: Author Talk with Namina Forna

Virtual Program Lenox, MA, United States

Join us for an action-packed online conversation with New York Times bestselling author of The Gilded Ones Series in a discussion about her second installment in the series, The Merciless Ones.  This is a virtual event and registration is required.  [...]

Cookie Decorating for Valentine’s Day!

18 Main Street, Lenox, MA, United States

While supplies last! Frostings! Sprinkles! Take home boxes! Best for children ages 5 and older, tweens and teens.  

Event Series Pokemon Club

Pokemon Club

18 Main Street, Lenox, MA, United States

For children ages 7-13 Brings your cards and your enthusiasm to this fun gathering of Pokémon fans! There will be free time for showing cards, chatting and looking at books about Pokémon. Then we’ll battle [...]

Stay at Home & Read a Book Ball

Virtual Program Lenox, MA, United States

Join the Lenox Library Association for its first Stay at Home & Read a Book Ball on Saturday, March 25, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. Support the Lenox Library and literacy by donating what you would [...]

Event Series Pokemon Club

Pokemon Club

18 Main Street, Lenox, MA, United States

For children ages 7-13 Brings your cards and your enthusiasm to this fun gathering of Pokémon fans! There will be free time for showing cards, chatting and looking at books about Pokémon. Then we’ll battle [...]

Event Series Pokemon Club

Pokemon Club

18 Main Street, Lenox, MA, United States

For children ages 7-13 Brings your cards and your enthusiasm to this fun gathering of Pokémon fans! There will be free time for showing cards, chatting and looking at books about Pokémon. Then we’ll battle [...]

Event Series Pokemon Club

Pokemon Club

18 Main Street, Lenox, MA, United States

For children ages 7-13 Brings your cards and your enthusiasm to this fun gathering of Pokémon fans! There will be free time for showing cards, chatting and looking at books about Pokémon. Then we’ll battle [...]

Crafternoon: Baby Yoga Mason Jar Piggy Banks

18 Main Street, Lenox, MA, United States

Happy Star Wars Day! May the Fourth be with you... Today we will be making Baby Yoda Mason Jar Piggy Banks. This craft is best for children ages 5 and older, tweens and teens. No [...]

Crafternoon: Easy Flower Stamps

18 Main Street, Lenox, MA, United States

Today we will be using cardboard rolls to create flower stamps. Paint a beautiful garden! This craft is best for children ages 5 and older, tweens and teens. No registration necessary. This craft idea came from [...]

Crafternoon: Tape Painting

18 Main Street, Lenox, MA, United States

Today we will using painter's tape on canvases to create lines and areas that we fill with color. This craft is best for children ages 5 and older, tweens and teens. No registration necessary.

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