Lenox history

Images from The Flight Log and War Letters of George Evans Turnure, Jr.

There is a monograph shelved in Special Collections with the title “George Evans Turnure Jr.: Flight Log and War Letters.” It was compiled and privately printed by Turnure’s brother Lawrence in 1936; only 20 [...]

2023-11-21T15:17:36-05:00November 21st, 2023|Categories: Blog, Local History Dept.|Tags: |

John Williams: “Lenox, and Tanglewood, has my heart”

What began as a casual local history inquiry ended as a mutual tribute between Maestro John Williams and the Town of Lenox in commemoration of his 90th birthday. Lenox Select Board Member Marybeth Mitts presents [...]

2022-12-15T15:48:26-05:00August 29th, 2022|Categories: Blog, Local History Dept., Music Dept.|Tags: , |

Fanny Kemble presentation now on YouTube

Using unique material from the Lenox Library's archival collections and other primary sources, Local History Librarian Amy Lafave gave a presentation titled “When I think, I must speak:” The World Stage of Fanny Kemble. A [...]

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