Snow CrashIn our age of ongoing digitalization, the idea of isolation and identity within cyberspace are becoming increasingly important.  Twitter, blogs, and MMORPG’s such as World of Warcraft have demonstrated the ability of people to create digital proxies to themselves, and sometimes to inhabit a world almost entirely of their own making.  In 1992, Neal Stephenson called it.  All of it.  Along with William Gibson’s Neuromancer, these two seminal works of “cyberpunk” not only founded an entire genre of literature, but established concepts and ideas that scant few years later have become reality.  If you are in the mood for an illuminating trip through language, culture and identity in the digital age, mixed with a heavy dose of action-escapism, Snow Crash is a must read.  Digital Samurai and rocket motorcycles abound, mixed with a heavy focus on digital universes, and the idea of language as biological programming.  Even if you don’t like science fiction, Snow Crash will have something for you.

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