Our Summer Reading Program kicks off June 18!

How it works:

  • Pick up your summer reading packet from the Youth Desk.
  • Color in one bubble on your tracker sheet for every 10 minutes that you read or someone reads to you.
  • When you fill up a tracker sheet, bring it back to the Library to win a free book, one ticket to throw a pie at Youth Librarian Jonathan, and one “Chance to Win” ticket. (You’ll place your “Chance to Win” ticket into the container for the prize you would like to try to win.)
  • The first tracker sheet you turn in also wins you an ice cream gift card and an invitation to the Summer’s End Readers Party.
  • After the Summer’s End Readers Party, we will pull one ticket from each container and award that prize to a lucky winner. (Limit one prize per child.)

Open to students entering Kindergarten through high school.

For more information, click here or call 413-637-0197 x105.

Happy Reading!