Distinguished Lecture Series: Tony Cenicola

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We are pleased to continue our Distinguished Lecture Series with virtual talks this season. Tony Cenicola, photojournalist for the New York Times, will be the featured speaker on Sunday, November 15, 2020 at 4:00 p.m.  His topic will be “My Life as a Chameleon (Assignment Photographer) for the New York Times.”

The lecture will take place via Zoom. Click here to join the meeting.

New York Times photographer Tony Cenicola has been with the newspaper since 1999. He began as a freelancer and came on staff in 2000 as the primary studio photographer. His work has since expanded to include field work in international and domestic travel, real estate, dining, and the arts. He was cinematographer for the 2010 film Bill Cunningham: New York and chased Mr. Cunningham all over New York City and Paris for a year.

Before establishing his own studio in 1984, with a specialty in tabletop still-lifes, Mr. Cenicola was a photo assistant in many commercial studios in NYC. One of the highlights of his early career was working with photographer/painter Saul Leiter.

Now in its 14th season, the Distinguished Lecture Series is organized and hosted by Dr. Jeremy Yudkin. Dr. Yudkin is a resident of the Berkshires and professor of music at Boston University and Oxford University. Every summer at the Lenox Library he presents the pre-concert lectures for the Boston Symphony Orchestra’s Tanglewood season.

All programs in the Distinguished Lecture Series are FREE and open to the public thanks to the generosity of the speakers and donors like you. In addition, we are grateful to the Lenox Library Association for its sponsorship of Zoom, which makes these programs possible.

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